Letter to Congress: An Effective Kids Online Safety Act

Contributed by Amy Neville, 2024

Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Mike Johnson
United States House of Representatives
568 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Minority Leader of the US House of Representatives Hakeem Jeffries
United States House of Representatives
2433 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer
United States Senate
322 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell
United States Senate
317 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

December 3, 2024

United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC

RE: An Effective Kids Online Safety Act

Dear Speaker Johnson, Leader Jeffries, Leader Schumer, Leader McConnell,

We are parents of children and teens who were hurt or died because many social media platforms are designed to addict, exploit, and abuse America’s young people. Our kids died from suicide, fentanyl poisoning, blackout challenges, overdoses, and are victims and survivors of sexual exploitation and self-harm. We cannot change what happened to our kids, but we can change the futures for the millions of children and teens who deserve protection from abusive social media platforms.

We write to plead with you not to be discouraged by the amount of money social media companies are pouring into their manipulative and stealth efforts to oppose legislation which would meaningfully protect kids, and instead enact a strong version of the Kids Online Safety Act (“KOSA”) into law this year. We believe that under your leadership, the misinformation being pushed by tech companies about KOSA can be put to rest, and that Congress can rise above political differences to enact critical protections for America’s kids. Every week that goes by without this legislation, another child dies because there are no enforceable protections for kids from abusive social media platforms and online video game, messaging, and streaming companies.

The issues addressed in KOSA have been debated in Congress since 2021, and KOSA was first introduced in 2022. There have been multiple committee hearings in both the House and the Senate. The media has spent a lot of time covering how social media companies profit off the manipulation and exploitation of America’s kids, and many of our kids’ stories have been told publicly. The time to enact strong legislation in the name of the health and safety of kids is long overdue. There is strong bipartisan support for the legislation in both chambers of Congress, and there is a huge and diverse coalition spanning the ideological spectrum that includes parents, organizations, faith leaders, pediatricians, and child psychologists who have spent the last five years begging Congress to do something. The time for action is now, and as leaders of Congress, you have the power to chart a new path and protect millions of America’s kids for decades to come.

We ask that you not get distracted by political divisions or whether the House or the Senate did a better job at writing KOSA. No matter what political party you’re from or whether you’re a member of the House or the Senate, there is so much on which we all agree. The principles that guide us as parents have never wavered, and we are grateful to the bill’s sponsors who have guided this effort with equal strength and commitment. We believe that with your help, Congress can enact this legislation.

Social media platforms maximize profit through addictive algorithms and other design features built to exploit children’s underdeveloped brains. A business model that keeps kids hooked on their phones through predatory practices leaves children vulnerable to depression, anxiety, suicide, eating disorders, and manipulation from sexual predators and drug dealers. Social media has caused a 156% increase in suicide among 12-16-year-olds, a 350% increase in opioid deaths in minors, a 40% increase in hospital admissions for mental health harms, and skyrocketing rates of anxiety and depression.

These are the dangers that KOSA must protect children from. Unlike any other business, tech companies believe that they are not required to design their products with any care for the people who they addict to their products. To add insult to serious outrage, millions of those targeted are children. Cigarette companies, which also profit from addiction, must provide warning labels, disclose their ingredients, and are prohibited from selling fruit and candy flavored cigarettes. Similar common-sense guiderails are critical for social media companies and other covered entities such as online video games, messaging, and streaming companies.

For KOSA to be effective in protecting kids and teens, it must address the following issues:

· Social media platforms and other covered entities must design their products to protect kids from addiction, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, substance use disorders, bullying, and suicidality.

· States must retain their rights to create stronger safeguards for kids and hold tech companies accountable.

· Social media platforms and other covered entities must implement easy-to-use safeguards to protect kids from addictive design features when using their products.

· Social media platforms and other covered entities must allow public transparency into the safety of platforms and products that are marketed and used by kids and teens.

It would be a huge disservice to every child and parent in America to get bogged down in political divisions or tech’s manipulation campaign. Under your leadership, we can resolve all good faith concerns about the bill, and not allow tech companies’ false claims regarding censorship to be the reason more kids die. We can compromise on all issues unrelated to the four principles outlined above; what we won’t compromise on is children’s lives.


1.    Amy Neville, parent of Alexander, forever 14, Arizona
2.    Jennie DeSerio, parent of Mason Edens, forever 16, Arkansas
3.    Adriana, parent of Allysa, 14, California
4.    Adrienne, Massachusetts
5.    Aisha, parent of Jalilah, 18, New York
6.    Alex
7.    Alexandra, parent of Mars, 15, Massachusetts
8.    Alexis
9.    Alice, parent of Y., 10, South Carolina
10.   Alicia, parent of Avery, Indiana
11.   Alma, parent of A. and K., 13 and 19, New York
12.   Alyssa, parent of a 16-year-old, Washington
13.   Amanda, California
14.   Amanda, parent of A., Wisconsin
15.   Amanda, parent of B., 12, South Carolina
16.   Amanda, parent of L., 12, Pennsylvania
17.   Amanda, parent of Luca, 13, California
18.   Amanda, parent of M., Arizona
19.   Amanda, parent of Maddox, 13, Massachusetts
20.   Amber, New Hampshire
21.   Amber, parent of Adriana, New Mexico
22.   Amber, parent of Destiny, Florida
23.   Amie, parent of Sydney, 15, Texas
24.   Amy, New York
25.   Amy, parent of A., Nevada
26.   Andrea, parent of Andrea
27.   Andrea, parent of Brianna, 15, Washington
28.   Andree, parent of Louisa and Campbell, New York
29.   Angel, parent of Allie, 16, Maine
30.   Angel, parent of J., Alabama
31.   Angela, parent of Jakob, 19, Michigan
32.   Angela, parent of Memphis, 21, Arkansas
33.   Angela, parent of Michael, 9, Washington
34.   Anna, parent of a 16-year-old and a 24-year-old, New York
35.   Annamaria, parent of Francesco, 17, New York
36.   Anne, parent of a17-year-old, Utah
37.   Annie, parent of Griffin “Bubba”, forever 13, Wisconsin
38.   April, parent of M., Tennessee
39.   April, parent of Melissa, 16, Montana
40.   Archila, parent of an 11-year-old, Texas
41.   Asherah, parent of Jeremiah, Georgia
42.   Ashley, parent of 16, Kansas
43.   Ashley, parent of A., 14, Ohio
44.   Ashley, parent of Gabriella and Lillian, 16 and 18, Wisconsin
45.   Ashley, parent of K., 12, Florida
46.   Ashley, parent of L., 13, Oregon
47.   Ashley, Texas
48.   Athena, parent of a 9-year-old, Florida
49.   Avery, parent of Annalee, 18, Colorado
50.   Avianca, parent of Z., 16, Texas
51.   Barbara
52.   Barbara, parent of Stephen and Katie, New York
53.   Barry, parent of Jack, 20, Virginia
54.   Beatriz, parent of R., 15, New York
55.   Bendan, California
56.   Beth, parent of Ella, 13, Missouri
57.   Betsy, New York
58.   Blair, parent of Brantley, 17, Louisiana
59.   Bob, parent of Nate, forever 15, Illinois
60.   Brad, parent of Evan, 16, Missouri
61.   Bradley, parent of Tyler, 19, Illinois
62.   Brandi, parent of Emmerson and Bryar, California
63.   Brandy, parent of A. and K., 16 and 17, California
64.   Brandy, parent of Englyn, 14, Louisiana
65.   Brenda, parent of J., California
66.   Bridget, parent of Crey, forever 15, Arkansas
67.   Bridgette, parent of Devin, 19, Minnesota
68.   Britney, parent of Dexton, 14, Utah
69.   Brittney, parent of Keirstyn, 18, South Carolina
70.   Brittney, parent of M., 19, South Dakota
71.   Brittnie, parent of G., 14
72.   Brooke, New York
73.   Bruce, parent of Joshua, 17, Colorado
74.   Candace, parent of C., 19, Kentucky
75.   Carissa, parent of Alex, 6, Oklahoma
76.   Carla, Maryland
77.   Carla, parent of Quintel, 13, Oklahoma
78.   Carol, parent of S., North Carolina
79.   Carrie, Ohio
80.   Carrie, parent of J., 16, Georgia
81.   Carrie, parent of Jack, 18, Wisconsin
82.   Carrie, parent of M., 16, Virginia
83.   Cas’Sius, parent of K., 16, California
84.   Casey, parent of a 17-year-old, Missouri
85.   Casey, parent of J., 18, New Jersey
86.   Casey, parent of Sadie, 15, California
87.   Casilda, parent of M., 21, New York
88.   Cassandra, parent of Sophia and Prometheus, 17 and 13, Florida
89.   Catherine, parent of L., 17, Arizona
90.   Cathy, New Jersey
91.   Chamoa, parent of K., 9, Texas
92.   Chantelle, parent of M., 13, Montana
93.   Chasity, parent of Amari, 14, Wisconsin
94.   Cheryl, Florida
95.   Cheryl, parent of McKenna, forever 16, Florida
96.   Chinyere, parent of L., 15, California
97.   Chris, parent of CJ, 17, Wisconsin
98.   Chris, parent of Luis “Monk”, 17, Arizona
99.   Christal
100.  Christina, parent of Gabriella, Nicholetta, and Tatianna, 16, 17, and 17, North Carolina
101.  Christina, Washington
102.  Christine, Ohio
103.  Christopher
104.  Christopher, parent of Cj, 17, Wisconsin
105.  Christopher, parent of K., 17, Illinois
106.  Clara, District of Columbia
107.  Conn, parent of Isabel, 15, District of Columbia
108.  Corinthians, parent of Harmony, 14, Nevada
109.  Courtney, parent of a 14-year-old, Illinois
110.  Craig, New York
111.  Crissa, parent of H., 17, Missouri
112.  Cristina, parent of M. and C., 15 and 12, North Carolina
113.  Crystal, parent of Brooklynn, 13, Nevada
114.  Crystal, parent of E., 15, Missouri
115.  Crystal, parent of K., 13, New York
116.  Curtis, parent of V., 17, South Carolina
117.  Cynthia, Massachusetts
118.  Dameka, parent of Denia, 14, New York
119.  Dani, parent of Alex, 18, Washington
120.  Daniel, Virginia
121.  Danielle, Colorado
122.  Danielle, parent of A., 12, Ohio
123.  Danielle, parent of Briella, 13, New Jersey
124.  Danielle, parent of D., 11, Washington
125.  Danny, parent of Jezabel, 13
126.  Daphne, parent of D., 12, Georgia
127.  Darla, parent of Emma Claire, 16, Louisiana
128.  Darren, parent of Riley, forever 15, New York
129.  Darsheima, parent of D., 16, Arizona
130.  David, parent of Tobias, 18, Colorado
131.  Dawn, parent of J., Colorado
132.  Deadra, parent of I., Texas
133.  Deana, parent of T., 15, California
134.  Deanna, parent of R., 12, California
135.  Deb, parent of Becca, 18
136.  Deborah, parent of Faith, 16, Kentucky
137.  Debra, parent of G., 16, Texas
138.  Dellon
139.  Dema, parent of T., 15, Washington
140.  Desirae, parent of A., 13, Texas
141.  Devon, parent of Kayden, 17, Arizona
142.  Diana, parent of Juan, 16, Florida
143.  Diane, parent of Christopher, 19, North Carolina
144.  Dominick, Georgia
145.  Domonique, parent of K., 12, California
146.  Don, California
147.  Don, parent of K., Arizona
148.  Donna, parent of Christopher (CJ), 17, Wisconsin
149.  Donna, parent of CJ, 17, Wisconsin
150.  Dustin, parent of D., 15, Washington
151.  Ebony, parent of Nabria, 17, Virginia
152.  Eliza, parent of Glynda, 16, Illinois
153.  Elizabeth, Georgia
154.  Elizabeth, parent of Cooper, 16, Kansas
155.  Elizabeth, parent of Justin, 13, South Carolina
156.  Emily, parent of I., 12, Missouri
157.  Eric, parent of Z., Michigan
158.  Erica, parent of Daniel, California
159.  Erica, parent of H., 13, Idaho
160.  Erika, parent of Canis and Antonio, Oregon
161.  Erin, parent of A., 18, New Mexico
162.  Erin, parent of Emily, forever 17, New Jersey
163.  Eulalio, California
164.  Fanchon, parent of S., 17, Minnesota
165.  Frances, parent of Rey Jr, 16, Arizona
166.  Gabriel
167.  Gail, Massachusetts
168.  Gail, parent of Sarah, 14, Tennessee
169.  George, New York
170.  Georgia, parent of Gregg, 19, Washington
171.  Gila, parent of Leo, New York
172.  Giovanna, parent of Jay, 16, Georgia
173.  Gregorio, parent of Brantley, 17, Louisiana
174.  Gregory, New Jersey
175.  Gwendolyn, parent of M., L., H., and B., ages 3-17, Massachusetts
176.  Gwyneira, parent of Frankie, 16, District of Columbia
177.  Heather, parent of B., 15, Ohio
178.  Heather, parent of Madeline, 18, Missouri
179.  Heather, parent of S., 14, Nebraska
180.  Heriberto, parent of Arriani, 9, Wisconsin
181.  Herlena, parent of G. and G., 15 and 14, Illinois
182.  Holley, parent of K. and K., 15 and 16, Arkansas
183.  Holly, parent of Holly, 16, Texas
184.  Ian, Massachusetts
185.  Jackie, parent of Adasia and Zuri, 18 and 12, Georgia
186.  Jacob
187.  Jacqueline, parent of B., 11
188.  Jacqueline, parent of Braidon, 13, Tennessee
189.  Jacquelyn, parent of J. and C., Florida
190.  Jai, parent of a 15-year-old, New Hampshire
191.  James, parent of Jayson, 21, Kansas
192.  James, parent of Kinhthi, 19, California
193.  Jami, parent of H., 14, Ohio
194.  Janae, parent of Sierra, 5, Oregon
195.  Jane
196.  Janice, Georgia
197.  Janine, California
198.  Jasmine
199.  Jasmine, parent of CJ, EA, LS, ZD, and TD, 16, 15, 10, 6, and 4, California
200.  Jason, parent of Julia and Jonah, 12 and 14, Alabama
201.  Jaswanti, parent of A., 12, North Carolina
202.  Jaukesia, parent of a 15-year-old, Washington
203.  Jeff, parent of Ethan, forever 13, Washington
204.  Jeffrey
205.  Jeffrey, parent of A., 22, New York
206.  Jenifer, parent of Caitlin, 14, Illinois
207.  Jennifer
208.  Jennifer, Illinois
209.  Jennifer, parent of a 15-year-old, Minnesota
210.  Jennifer, parent of a 16-year-old, Texas
211.  Jennifer, parent of Addiline and Grayson, 13 and 16, Missouri
212.  Jennifer, parent of Adeline and Paul, 17 and 18, Virginia
213.  Jennifer, parent of Callie, Illinois
214.  Jennifer, parent of Ian, forever 16, Florida
215.  Jennifer, parent of J., 14, California
216.  Jennifer, parent of J., Illinois
217.  Jennifer, parent of J., Oregon
218.  Jennifer, parent of Jayson, 21, Kansas
219.  Jennifer, parent of Jessica, 14, Florida
220.  Jennifer, parent of M., 14, Ohio
221.  Jennifer, parent of Michael, forever 15, Idaho
222.  Jennifer, parent of P., 15, Vermont
223.  Jennifer, parent of Riley, Trinity, and Landon, 13, 12, and 17, Colorado
224.  Jennifer, parent of Ryan, 16, Illinois
225.  Jeremy, parent of Jameiria, 17, Alabama
226.  Jess, parent of Zaye, 11.5, New Mexico
227.  Jessenia, parent of J., 17, New York
228.  Jessica
229.  Jessica, parent of a 12-year-old, Ohio
230.  Jessica, parent of a 15-year-old, New Jersey
231.  Jessica, parent of B., 14, Illinois
232.  Jessica, parent of Isaac, Texas
233.  Jessica, parent of Jacob, 15, Virginia
234.  Jessica, parent of M., 15, Maryland
235.  Jessica, parent of Nayelie, 16, California
236.  Jessica, parent of Wilhelmina, 14, Maryland
237.  Jetaime, parent of Grayce, 14, Mississippi
238.  Jim, North Carolina
239.  Joann, parent of Mason, 15, Indiana
240.  Joanne, parent of L. and L., 15 and 16, California
241.  Joanni, parent of S., 16, South Carolina
242.  Jodi, parent of Justin, 18, Arizona
243.  John, New York
244.  John, parent of J., Wisconsin
245.  John, parent of Meredith
246.  Jolene
247.  Jonathan, parent of a 16-year-old, District of Columbia
248.  Josefina, Nebraska
249.  Joseph, parent of J. and J., 10 and 13, Pennsylvania
250.  Joshua, parent of Cadence, 14, Arkansas
251.  Juan, New Jersey
252.  Julia, parent of Faith, 20, Kentucky
253.  Julianna, parent of Coco, 17, New York
254.  Julianne, Nevada
255.  Julie, parent of Jianna, California
256.  Julie, Texas
257.  Kara, parent of S., 13, Texas
258.  Karen, California
259.  Karen, parent of J., 15, Iowa
260.  Karen, parent of Olivia, 14, Nevada
261.  Kari, parent of Evan, 16, Missouri
262.  Karl, parent of Dext, 14, Utah
263.  Karla, parent of Katelynn, 15, Missouri
264.  Karley, parent of S., 15, California
265.  Karman, parent of A., 18
266.  Katherine, parent of Isabel, 15, District of Columbia
267.  Katherine, parent of Myles, 20, New York
268.  Katherine, parent of Saniah, 16, Iowa
269.  Katherine, parent of Seqouyah, 16, California
270.  Kathleen, parent of A., 22, New York
271.  Kathryn, parent of Chantel, forever 18, Indiana
272.  Kathy, parent of A. and A., New York
273.  Kathy, parent of Jack, 19, Michigan
274.  Katlyn, parent of E., 12, New Jersey
275.  Katrina, parent of James, 29, Missouri
276.  Katrina, South Carolina
277.  Kay, parent of Nick, 25, California
278.  Kayla
279.  Keith
280.  Keli, parent of Brooklyn, 14, Illinois
281.  Kelly, parent of B., 17, Arkansas
282.  Kenny, parent of Sequoyah, 16, California
283.  Kerrainn
284.  Kerri
285.  KeSeana, parent of A., 16, Alabama
286.  Kiesha, Ohio
287.  Kim, parent of Alecia, Illinois
288.  Kim, parent of Anthony and Charles, 14 and 16, California
289.  Kimberly, parent of C., 12, California
290.  Kimberly, parent of Max, 18, Colorado
291.  Kimberly, Texas
292.  Kirsten, parent of Katherine, 15
293.  Krislynn, parent of Chandler, 18, Texas
294.  Krissaundra, parent of T., 14, Pennsylvania
295.  Krista, parent of Paris, 13, Washington
296.  Kristen, Colorado
297.  Kristen, parent of L., 13, Illinois
298.  Kristie, parent of O., 11, New Jersey
299.  Kristin, parent of Carson, 16, Arizona
300.  Kristina, parent of J., 7, Oregon
301.  Kristina, parent of Morgan, 15, Wisconsin
302.  Kristine, parent of Jonathan, 22, Illinois
303.  Krystal, parent of S., Florida
304.  Kynisha, Pennsylvania
305.  Lacey, parent of Hayden, 17,
306.  Lacie, parent of M., 14, Illinois
307.  Lakisha, parent of Khailon, 11, Michigan
308.  Lamonica, parent of Chrystopher, 12, Illinois
309.  LaQuita, parent of M.
310.  Larry, parent of C., 17, California
311.  Lasandra, parent of M., 14, Michigan
312.  Latasha, parent of William, 15, Iowa
313.  Latoya, parent of A. and H., 15 and 11, Pennsylvania
314.  LaToya, parent of Jordanmarie, 13, South Carolina
315.  Laura, parent of Brillion, 18, Washington
316.  Laura, parent of L. and A., 17 and 14, Texas
317.  Laura, parent of Morgan, 16, District of Columbia
318.  Laura, parent of Raygan, 15, Virginia
319.  Lauren, parent of B., 13, New Jersey
320.  Laurie, parent of an 18-year-old, Tennessee
321.  Laurine, Arkansas
322.  Leia, parent of Kaelyn, 13, Ohio
323.  Leona, parent of L., 13, Colorado
324.  Letecia, parent of Tyrus, 14, Georgia
325.  Liana, parent of Beau, 15, Texas
326.  Linda, Colorado
327.  Linda, New York
328.  Linda, parent of J., 13, California
329.  Lindsay, parent of Brooklyn, 16, Oregon
330.  Lindsey, parent of Manuel, 17, California
331.  Lisa
332.  Lisa, parent of A., 17, New York
333.  Lisa, parent of A., Wisconsin
334.  Lisa, parent of C., California
335.  Lisa, parent of Christopher, 8, Colorado
336.  Lisa, parent of K.
337.  Lisa, parent of M., 12, Florida
338.  Lisa, Wisconsin
339.  Lois
340.  Lorena, parent of S., 13, North Carolina
341.  Lori, parent of A., 16, Georgia
342.  Lori, parent of Annalee, 18, Colorado
343.  Lorie, parent of Michael, 30, California
344.  Lucien, Alabama
345.  Lucrecia, parent of A., 16, Arkansas
346.  Lucrecia, parent of Alexia, 16, Arkansas
347.  Lynn, parent of Anthony, 17, Pennsylvania
348.  Madeleine, parent of Maggie, 16, Tennessee
349.  Maggie, parent of Emily, 17, Illinois
350.  Mandy, parent of A., 9,
351.  Margaret, parent of Samira, 14, California
352.  Maria, parent of A., 8, Florida
353.  Marina, parent of a 14-year-old, Florida
354.  Mark, parent of A., 13, Ohio
355.  Mark, parent of Michael, California
356.  Marlene, parent of J., 18, Georgia
357.  Marna
358.  Marni, parent of L., 16, Utah
359.  Marti, parent of Mia and Mya, 17 and 17, Indiana
360.  Mary, Florida
361.  Mary, parent of A., Louisiana
362.  Mary, parent of B., 15, Washington
363.  Mary, parent of H., 10, Maine
364.  Mary, parent of J., 14, Wisconsin
365.  Mary, parent of Riley, forever 15, New York
366.  Masheka, parent of a 12-year-old and a 17-year-old, Illinois
367.  Matt, parent of Sam, Abby, Max, Gus, and Henry, Minnesota
368.  Maurine, parent of David, forever 16, Texas
369.  Maya, parent of V., 13, Tennessee
370.  Megan, parent of ER, 15, California
371.  Melisa
372.  Melissa
373.  Melissa, parent of Amelua, 17, Ohio
374.  Melissa, parent of K., 11, Kentucky
375.  Melissa, parent of S., 8, Indiana
376.  Michael, parent of Mikayla and Matthew, 17 and 15, Tennessee
377.  Michelle, parent of a 16-year-old
378.  Michelle, parent of Jack, 16, Wisconsin
379.  Michelle, parent of Noah, 23, Pennsylvania
380.  Mikayla, parent of Eli, 15, California
381.  Mike, parent of Kevin, 20, Maryland
382.  Mindy, parent of R., 9, Arizona
383.  Miranda, parent of E., 13, Oklahoma
384.  Mirna, parent of M., 9, California
385.  Miroslava, parent of Mariana, 17, Florida
386.  Misty, parent of Kaylie, 17, Arizona
387.  Miyoshi, parent of M., 16, Texas
388.  Moira, Massachusetts
389.  Molly, District of Columbia
390.  Mona, parent of Michael, 20, California
391.  Monica, parent of Journey, 17, California
392.  Myra, parent of M., 14, Louisiana
393.  Nadia, parent of Javonnie, 11, Illinois
394.  Nancy
395.  Nancy, parent of Cmr, 14
396.  Nancy, parent of Eva, 11, Colorado
397.  Nancy, parent of Harrison, forever 20, California
398.  Natasha, parent of A., 18, New York
399.  Nekesha, parent of N., California
400.  Nicki, California
401.  Nicole, parent of a 17-year-old, New Jersey
402.  Nicole, parent of A., 16, Massachusetts
403.  Nicole, parent of C., 13, Michigan
404.  Nicole, parent of E., 10, New York
405.  Nicole, parent of H., 16, Louisiana
406.  Nicole, parent of J., 14, Ohio
407.  Nicole, parent of K., 16, California
408.  Nina, parent of Cora, 15, New York
409.  Ninotchka, parent of A., 17, Nevada
410.  Owen, California
411.  Pamela, parent of A., 15, Texas
412.  Patricia, parent of K., 17, Virginia
413.  Patricia, parent of S., New Jersey
414.  Patrick, North Carolina
415.  Patrick, parent of Vanessa, 18, Arizona
416.  Patti, parent of Lauren, 18, Colorado
417.  Patty, parent of Amiya and Alysse, Pennsylvania
418.  Paul, parent of Evan, would be 19, Colorado
419.  Paula, parent of T., 16, Illinois
420.  Pauliì, parent of a 14-year-old, Rhode Island
421.  Phillip, parent of Ac, 18, California
422.  Phyllis, parent of Blake, Kansas
423.  Priscilla, parent of Akello, New York
424.  Quintasha, parent of Z., 10, Georgia
425.  QuRita, parent of I’Oneice, 15, North Carolina
426.  Racheal,
427.  Rachel, parent of Gabriel, 21, Iowa
428.  Rachel, parent of M., 14, Utah
429.  Rachelle, parent of Tahjaan, 16, Georgia
430.  Ramel, parent of Jordan, 27, Colorado
431.  Rayne, Rhode Island
432.  Rebekah, parent of Brooke, Eric, and Alexandra, Washington
433.  Regina, parent of Malachi, 19, Arizona
434.  Re’Mia, parent of Tanya, 15, Missouri
435.  Renea, parent of M., 19, Ohio
436.  Renee, parent of Bryan, 15, New Jersey
437.  Renee, parent of Josie and Kody, Minnesota
438.  Richard, parent of T. and I., 18, California
439.  Rima, parent of A., 17, Vermont
440.  Rita, parent of Damian, 18, Florida
441.  Robert, parent of Kaysha Ann, Georgia
442.  Robin, parent of A., 16, South Carolina
443.  Rocio, parent of Diego, 16, California
444.  Roger, parent of C., 15, North Dakota
445.  Rosalyn, parent of an 18-year-old, Georgia
446.  Rose, parent of an 18-year-old, 17-year-old, 15-year-old, 14-year-old, and a 13-year-old, Florida
447.  Rose, parent of K., 17, Arizona
448.  Rose, parent of L., 17, Pennsylvania
449.  Rose, parent of Nate, forever 15, Illinois
450.  Roy, parent of Zachariah, 17, Arizona
451.  Ruben, parent of Kayden, 16, Arizona
452.  Rutger, California
453.  Ryan, parent of A., 13, Missouri
454.  Ryan, parent of Emma Claire, 16, Louisiana
455.  Ryan, parent of Nathan, 16, New York
456.  Sabrina, parent of C., South Carolina
457.  Sandra, California
458.  Sandra, parent of J., 16, California
459.  Sandra, parent of L., 15, Washington
460.  Sankesha, parent of C. & J., 11 and 16, Georgia
461.  Sarah Marie, parent of B., 17, Georgia
462.  Sarah, parent of B., 17, Oregon
463.  Sarah, parent of B., Pennsylvania
464.  Sarah, parent of E., 10, Missouri
465.  Sarah, parent of LilLee, 13, Colorado
466.  Sarah, parent of Thea and Otto, Massachusetts
467.  Sasha, parent of J., 15, Florida
468.  Sasha, parent of L., 17, Illinois
469.  Savannah, parent of K., 14, Arizona
470.  Sean, District of Columbia
471.  Selene, parent of Tanner, forever 19, Washington
472.  Senovia, parent of Teneice and D’Avian, 19 and 21, Virginia
473.  Shahida, Georgia
474.  Shailyn, parent of Taylen, forever 15, Washington
475.  Shakira
476.  Shanika, parent of C., 14, Georgia
477.  Shannon, parent of Luis “Monk”, 17, Arizona
478.  Shannon, parent of M., 15, Texas
479.  Shannon, parent of Reese and Zoe, 16 and 14, Maryland
480.  Sharon, Georgia
481.  Sharon, parent of Alex, forever 17, Georgia
482.  Shasta, parent of D., North Dakota
483.  Shaun, parent of D.P.M., 20, Tennessee
484.  Shaunta, parent of J., 16, Pennsylvania
485.  Shawandy, parent of Vicktorian, 14, Louisiana
486.  Shawane, parent of Leon, 16, Texas
487.  Shawna, parent of Tressie, 15, Ohio
488.  Shawndrea, parent of Nevaeh, 15, Michigan
489.  Shawntayne, parent of A. and E., 18 and 17, Illinois
490.  Shay, parent of K., 13, Georgia
491.  Shayna, parent of Adrian, North Carolina
492.  Shelia, parent of a 16-year-old, California
493.  Shellyann, parent of K., 17, Minnesota
494.  Sheri, parent of Serena, 17, New York
495.  Sheronica, parent of Zoe, 19, Arkansas
496.  Sherry, parent of J., 12, Iowa
497.  Sherry, parent of S., 20, Illinois
498.  Shonell, parent of Tate, 14, Utah
499.  Shonsme, parent of D., 12, California
500.  Sofia, parent of Elizabeth, Washington
501.  Sondra, parent of Xander, forever 12, New York
502.  Stacey, parent of P., 14, Florida
503.  Stacie, parent of A., 15, Vermont
504.  Starla, parent of M., 15, Florida
505.  Stephani, parent of Kierston, 19, Washington
506.  Stephanie
507.  Stephen, parent of Michael, would be 22, California
508.  Sumer, parent of K., 16, Ohio
509.  Summaiya
510.  Susan, parent of M., 16, Pennsylvania
511.  Susan, parent of Sam, Washington
512.  Suzanne
513.  Suzette, parent of A., 18, New Mexico
514.  Sydney, parent of Sydney, 18, California
515.  Tabatha, parent of a 14-year-old and a 16-year-old, Texas
516.  Taj, parent of Tanner, 19, Washington
517.  Takita, parent of D., 15, Georgia
518.  Tamara, parent of A., 13, Indiana
519.  Tambre, parent of E., Texas
520.  Tamika, parent of A., 16, Louisiana
521.  Tammi, parent of M., 13, Washington
522.  Tammi, parent of Makenna, 12, Ohio
523.  Tammy, parent of a 12-year-old, California
524.  Tammy, parent of Selena, 11, Connecticut
525.  Tanisha, parent of J., 15, California
526.  Tanya, parent of E., 14, Illinois
527.  Tanya, parent of J., 15, Wisconsin
528.  Tanya, parent of P., 17, Oklahoma
529.  Tara, parent of A., 18, New York
530.  Taren, parent of A., 18, California
531.  Teena, California
532.  Tenisha, parent of Shianne, 17, Ohio
533.  Tequila, parent of Donovan, 10, Texas
534.  Terace, parent of M., 15, Louisiana
535.  Teresa, parent of C., 16, Alabama
536.  Terry, parent of J. and P., 9 and 8, Massachusetts
537.  Terry, parent of J., 9, Massachusetts
538.  Tesla, parent of S., 13, West Virginia
539.  Tiesha, Pennsylvania
540.  Tiffany, Maryland
541.  Tiffany, parent of A., 16, Michigan
542.  Tiffany, parent of Nevaeh, 13, Georgia
543.  Tiffany, parent of S., Tennessee
544.  Timothy, parent of Cooper, 16, Washington
545.  Tina, parent of T., 18, New Jersey
546.  Toney, parent of Englyn, 14, Louisiana
547.  Tracey, parent of Cayley, 15, California
548.  Tracy, parent of Brady, 17, New Mexico
549.  Tracy, parent of Thomas, 16, Georgia
550.  Tricia, parent of Anna , Abigail, and Grace, 13, 11, and 16, New York
551.  Trisha, parent of Z., 14, Georgia
552.  Valerie, parent of C., California
553.  Valerie, parent of Hector, 20, California
554.  Veva, parent of J., 16, Ohio
555.  Vickie, parent of Shya, Mississippi
556.  Victoria, New York
557.  Virginia, parent of G., 18, California
558.  Wendy, parent of Zachariah, 17, Arizona
559.  Whitney, Texas
560.  Yolanda, parent of a 14-year-old, Ohio
561.  Yolanda, parent of a 17-year-old, Georgia
562.  Yolanda, parent of K., A., and J., 12, 11, and 5, District of Columbia
563.  Yvonne, parent of O., 14, Washington
564.  Zachary, 14, Arizona
565.  Zugey, parent of Katherine, 9, California